Figment is almost here and I can’t wait.
I am almost done with the prep work. Next week I’m going to have a dress rehearsal.
After that I’m going to create an instructional manual that will be available to downloaded on my website at NLW arts.
I like the idea of this piece living on by someone else doing it.
My only requirements are that one must use recycled cardboard (brown) and Black tape; and the measurements must be close.
There shall be a few documentary pics, but sorry fans no video. I have this thing about tripods and video cameras. I don’t think they should be apart of Performative Art work unless, it’s apart of the work or so far away that its no longer can be associated with the performance.
But I do love to document art, and I hold a special place in my heart for still photography.
That’s all for now
Take care
See you at Figment
NLW arts